Our Faith
Our Faith
Bethel Baptist Church believes there is only one living and true God. Our God reigns over all things with providential care as He reveals Himself distinctly through His Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. We believe our God divinely inspired men to write His revelation of Himself to mankind in the completed and perfect work of the Holy Bible. Bethel Baptist Church believes the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and shall be our sole and sufficient authority in all matters of faith and practice. Bethel Baptist Church subscribes in general to the doctrinal statement of the “Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in the year 2000.
Our Church
Our Church
Bethel Baptist Church is a place for all to experience God’s grace through faith as we believe God loved the world so much, He sent us His only Son, Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish but have eternal life. All will experience God’s truth through the life of Jesus Christ as we believe He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through Him.
Our Vision
Our Vision
Bethel Baptist Church desires to reach, serve, and teach all people with God’s truth as disciples of Jesus Christ. We desire to reach all people with the truth of God’s love, so they will know Him as their Saviour. We desire to serve the needs of all people with the truth of our love, so they will know God as their Provider. We desire to teach all people the truth of God’s redemption through the study of the Holy Bible, so they will know Him as their Redeemer.