Weekly Encouragement

Good Wednesday Everyone,

The 2022 mid-term election is over, we are still here, maybe a few surprises, but our country remains as the best and freest country in the world.  Let us all be positive towards each other and to all those who may express a negative outlook towards our country’s future, and our government leaders.  We know our future is not fixed nor destined by any kind of election because we know who really governs us.  As good as our county is – It is not perfect.  We must never depend upon imperfect ideas, plans, nor people.  Our nation’s former leaders committed themselves in Christian faith to this simple statement – “In God We Trust”.  Our country’s official faith “motto” is printed on, of all things, our money.  This is a good thing, it’s a great thing. But as Christians we must ensure we have it printed on our hearts.  Then, no matter what happens, no matter who gets elected, no matter what darkness lies in wait, no matter what unexpected blessings come, we will testify to whom we give our trust.  Be thankful.  Be positive.  Be faithful.  In God We Trust.   

This evening join us for Bethel’s supper, just a bit later at 6:15 p.m. followed by our monthly business meeting.  There are some key things our congregation needs to hear and discuss as the Lord leads us forward together.  Your pastor is so encouraged by the participation in our Wednesday Night Fellowships.  Keep coming and stay committed to the good practices of regular church attendance.  One of the joys of the evenings is to pray over our children before they join Mrs. Tamara for their planned activities.  I ask them for prayer requests.  Parents your children are listening to you, they are listening to my sermons, they are aware of what is happening around them, and most importantly they trust in God.  Children teach us so much.  Thank you for bringing your children on Wednesday nights.

This coming Lord’s Day we will begin a new sermon series.  This series title needs a preemptive warning.  For the next six weeks we will open the epistle of Thessalonians.  The sermon series is titled: “The Process of Christianity”.  Christianity follows a unique process unlike any other religion.  The Thessalonians became “stuck” at certain places in the process, and so can we.  The continual process of Christianity is where we find joy in this life. 

Come and bring someone with you this Sunday.  The “holiday season” is upon us and people are more receptive to faith and godly things of life.  We may know someone or a family who wants to come to church and doesn’t know the next step to take.  Coming to church by yourself has an intimidation factor we cannot ignore.  They don’t know anyone, they don’t know where to go, they don’t know where to park or sit in the sanctuary, and of course they don’t know when things begin.  Your invitation can alleviate all their pressure.  Meet them at Bethel.  Walk in with time.  And introduce them to the pastor.  A personal invitation means you care for someone, and people respond to those who care for them.  Everyone you meet, everyone you know, and everyone you touch: All these people and more, “Really want what you have – They just don’t know it yet.”  Give them the opportunity to find out what they are missing.  Invite others to Bethel Baptist Church.      

Blessings in Christ Jesus,

 Pastor Michael


Weekly Encouragement


Weekly Encouragement