Weekly Encouragement

Good Thursday Everyone,

Weekly blessings to all.  The weekly encouragement is intentionally being sent today rather than on Wednesday to catch us up on Bethel’s quarterly business meeting last night.  Much was done and discussed.  Most crucial was the approval for Bethel’s 2024 budget for next year.  Thank you to all who are on the finance committee for your efforts.  Bethel has decided to carry over the existing budget into 2024. 

Thankfully we have not had any unexpected AND significant finance concerns.  The key word is AND.  This coming year we pray for the same.  We will always have unexpected financial needs, but we want to minimize their impact the best we can.  Bethel Baptist – First and foremost, your giving is a blessing to the Lord.  We will always be a congregation who gives to the Lord, faithfully, obediently, and with cheerful hearts.  Tithing is trusting.  Above all else in this world place your trust in God.

Also last night, we discussed the broken organ-side flatscreen.  Brother Lee tried everything to get it working.  Our televisions are so helpful in our sanctuary, and they are a necessity to what we want to do for and give to the Lord.  We discussed obtaining pricing for two new televisions for the sanctuary.  The still working piano-side flatscreen we intend to mount on a portable cart for use anywhere in the church.  Once we have an acceptable price package, the findings will be shared with all.  The needs of the church are many and as God leads, He will provide.  Be a part of God’s provisions at Bethel Baptist.  It will never be possible for all to give equally, but all can give faithfully to God’s work. 

This coming Lord’s Day we will remain within the sermon series of Romans, but we will take a courtroom “sidebar” into the power of God.  We all know God is omnipotent, all powerful.  And we must learn about God’s power.  We begin this sidebar from Paul’s introduction of God’s grace apart from the Law for salvation.  Grace is one of many of God’s powers.  Grace is not something God has.  Grace is something God is.  Big difference.  For example: All of us have money, but none of us ARE money.  Grace is the reason, the only reason God saved us.  God saved us be the power of His grace, revealed in Jesus Christ, received in faith by all Christians.

For the next five weeks, we will look at the God’s power, infused into the life of Elijah.  Knowing about the power of God the best we can, will help us know what to pray, how to pray, and when to pray.  Then we will be ready and equipped to do what God empowers us to do. 

A final moment about the power of prayer.  Also last night, Bethel announced an in-reach and an out-reach ministry of prayer.  I know it is uncomfortable, hard, and at times intimidating to reach out to others.  It’s not our lack of faith, but in these times, we lack the opportunity to meet people outside our Bethel family.  This we can and must change.  Beginning this Lord’s Day in the vestibule and in our Sunday School classes we will have blue prayer request cards available.  All of us know people who need prayer.  We will all have the opportunity to fill out a prayer card of someone you know who needs prayer.  From our prayer cards, a letter will be sent to this person/family from Bethel Baptist.  Nothing will be referenced of their prayer need.  The letter will be an encouragement of Christian truth that they were prayed for.  The letter will also be in the vestibule and available in our Sunday School classes.  For now, we will return the prayer cards to the offertory plate. 

Imagine: A card filled out in faith, followed by a letter of Christian encouragement, could result in a person or family coming to Bethel Baptist.  Or better coming to Christ for salvation.  The result could be a revival or rededication of a living soul.  A card, filled out not with a pen or a pencil, but with faith, can change everything in a person’s life.  If you fill out a card in faith, God will respond in power.             

God’s power changes everything.  And it is the power of God’s Grace that changes us.  All of us want to please someone outside ourselves.  All of us want to worship someone or something above ourselves.  The Christian Church has the answer for people of WHO to please and worship, “They just don’t know it yet!!”  Come to Bethel Baptist.  Tell others about Bethel Baptist.  Invite others to Bethel Baptist.  See you Sunday morning.

In Christ,

Pastor Michael


Weekly Encouragement


Weekly Encouragement