Weekly Encouragement
Good Wednesday Everyone,
As we gather, travel, and feed our loved ones, Heid and I want to wish everyone in our Bethel Baptist family a Happy Thanksgiving. We have been together for almost two years, and it has been some of the best years of our lives. God has indeed placed us together and there is so much more to come. Safe travels and have a blessed time with loved ones.
Enjoy being together, love and laugh with one another. Then, intentionally find a moment to be alone during the quietness of an early morning, or in the late evening and give thanks to our amazing and awesome God. We say so much to God when we simply tell Him from our hearts, “Thank you, Father.” Everything we have, God has given us, and He desires to gives us even more.
People look more to Christians and our Christianity during this time of year, and they do so because, “They really want what you have – They just don’t know it yet.” What do others want? What gift can we give them? They want the power of Christ and the power found only within Christianity. Christ’s power changes lives, heals brokenness, repairs relationships, and forgives sins. Tell people about Christ’s power this Thanksgiving. Tell them they can find it at Bethel Baptist. Looking forward to seeing you all this coming Lord’s Day.
Blessings in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Michael