Weekly Encouragement

Good Wednesday Everyone,

Blessings everyone.  The weekend is upon us. Perhaps you have Monday as a holiday and can enjoy a long weekend.  Tonight – We meet at 6:00pm for our Wednesday Night Fellowship.  The meal is “Breakfast for Dinner”.  So, if you can bring a breakfast casserole, or a breakfast drink (milk/orange juice) this we be most helpful. 

Once again, we must commend our Children’s Ministry under Tamara Holcomb’s and her leadership team.  This Lord’s Day our children hosted a Valentine’s Day dinner in the BBC fellowship hall.  The food was excellent, the fellowship was wonderful, and the service was outstanding.  The children raised over $900 towards their mission project.  That’s nearly heifer money beloved!!   The children are learning about the needs of people in other places, and they will purchase a farm animal for a community or family.  It’s not too late to give towards their mission project as you can give any gifts you wish to Bethel Baptist’s Children’s Ministry.  This summer we have several things planned and the children will continue to work their way to these exciting events.  To our BBC children, thank you for all your hard work, your commitment, and the willingness to give yourselves to others.  God will bless you through this experience and you will remember all you did many years from now.  

Our children will continue with Mission Friends and the adults will continue their study of Revelation in the sanctuary.  We have been examining each of the seven Revelation churches as they received a specific to their congregation.  Each church had a praise, and each church had a struggle.  Christ gave each a solution for the present, and He promised a reward in the future.  Today, we must understand Christ’s overall message is for EVERY church.  Every CHRISTIAN CHURCH is under His authority as He walks among these seven lampstands!!  Christ addressed seven churches, a perfect and complete number, and it was to all churches under the Gospel according to Jesus Christ.  Therefore, Christ is not only speaking to seven churches of Revelation – He is speaking to Bethel Baptist as one of those seven churches, and to each member of its congregation.  Christ’s churches are not full of perfect people, but all have a perfect God, a perfect Saviour, and a perfect message to share with the world.  Come see what we need to work on, what we are being commended for, and what is our reward.

Also, this Lord’s Day Bethel Baptist began a new sermon series: “God’s Way Is BELIEVED Through God’s Church”.  How else would anyone know how or what to believe without the Christian Church preaching, teaching, and reaching others?  Bethel is Christ’s church promoting God’s way.  The first sermon descried who Jesus Christ is, this coming Sunday Reverend Larry Lane will lead us through the truth of what Jesus does.  Pastor Lane and Royce are loved by Bethel Baptist, and they are so excited to be with us this Sunday.  The series will then continue across the New Testament for us to be the kind of church Christ expects to be.  We will need to improve in areas.  We will need to prepare in areas.  And we need to be commended in areas.  Finally, we will be rewarded by Christ for our effort and obedience.

This week, before we meet this evening and on Sunday: Pray for one another.  Encourage one another.  Invite others to join us.  Remember, we were challenged to either read regularly, know the passage location, or even to memorize this sermon series focus Scripture of 1 Timothy 2:1-6.  Here is the key verse most people know nothing about.  It is verse five, “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”  Only the “seven” Christian Churches can live and tell this truth, and Bethel Baptist has this truth.  

Pray for Heidi and I as we travel this weekend.  We will have an exciting family weekend as all of us will be together.  Bring others to hear Pastor Lane, and remember 1 Timothy 2:5.  Share this passage with others.  Remember to share with people at the, “proper time” the truth about Jesus.  People can see who Jesus is and what Jesus does by looking at your life, and they will slowly and surely begin to understand you have something they don’t.  We must work for Christ with this mentality in all things, “People really want what we have, they just don’t know it yet!”  Join us this Lord’s Day.

In Christ Jesus,

 Pastor Michael             


Weekly Encouragem


Weekly Encouragement