Weekly Encouragement
Good Wednesday Everyone,
Weekly blessings from your pastor and what a great week. This week was certainly a blessing for our family. Our youngest daughters, Megan and Katherine (The Twins), graduated from the University of Montevallo this past Saturday. We are so proud of them and grateful for what they have achieved. Twins, you did an outstanding job, and we love you both very much. Bethel Baptist: Thank you all for your encouragements. Our twins always enjoy coming to Fort Deposit, and they love the peace and fellowship they receive. After graduation, they will live together in Birmingham where the Lord has great plans for them.
Graduation means the school year is already over for some or nearly over for most. The summer break is soon approaching for our students and teachers. Every summer involves trips and vacations. This brings us to the first announcement of an alteration to our “Wednesday Night Fellowship” schedule. Our Wednesdays have been a great mid-week blessing for our congregation, and we want to maintain the priority of Christian fellowship. To do so we will offer something different for our summer fellowships. Beginning June 7, starting at 6:00 P.M. Bethel Baptist will present one weekly episode of The Chosen – Season 3 in the Sanctuary. A small snack with a drink will be provided. This will give our much-appreciated servant leaders and our kitchen a well-earned break for the summer. Also, within our summer schedule will be our Children’s Ministry camp at Shocco Springs. And all planning for Bethel Baptist’s VBS is well under way with our leadership. The summer doesn’t mean we stop, it does mean we sweat!!
The Chosen is an excellent presentation of the Gospel, and it is a unique blessing to SEE the life of Christ Jesus. Bethel Baptist: This is an excellent opportunity to invite someone to see what we have to offer into the lives of others. You will be blessed this summer, but don’t miss the opportunity to be a blessing. On August 9, we will resume our “Wednesday Night Fellowship”. Tonight’s menu is pizza. Everything goes with pizza. Come, eat, and fellowship with us tonight.
We are well into the sermon series, “Daniel – A Book for a Time Like Ours”. I hope you are seeing how the world and its people 2,400 years ago are no different than the world and its people are today. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced an “image of gold” literally, and their “worship” to the image was demanded, or they faced execution. But God had different plans for His obedient children. Although we don’t face such demands today, we must be prepared to face an “image of gold” when it is placed before us. We must commit to stand for God before we refuse to kneel in disobedience.
These last three weeks we have investigated the environment of idolatry created by King Nebuchadnezzar surrounding four men of God. We have seen King Nebuchadnezzar as a great, a difficult, and an unreasonable ruler in direct opposition to God. This coming Lord’s Day, we will see what happens to King Nebuchadnezzar as he lives in the lives of four godly men. Something is happening to King Nebuchadnezzar, slowly, surely, and spiritually. King Nebuchadnezzar is a changeable ruler. How can a man, and a king like Nebuchadnezzar change? Sunday’s sermon concluded with a third truth in our Christian faith, “When people follow God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, PEOPLE change.” Despite how great, difficult, and unreasonable a person is found to be – They can change. We won’t change people, but we will see God change them. HOW does this happen??
The greatest thing every person of accountable age underestimates is the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit convicts people when they see one obedient life or hear one Biblical thought. We can preach, reach, and teach to the absolute best of our ability. We can pray for people, stay with people, and weep over people, but only the Holy Spirit can convict people and change them. The Holy Spirit’s convicting power changes people from the person they are into the person they are supposed to be. Think of the glory God receives when this happens.
Bethel Baptist: King Nebuchadnezzar changes right before our eyes. Others you only “think” you know, will change too. Each week I lovingly tell you the same phrase but think about what you have learned about King Nebuchadnezzar. Now, read this truth, “People really want what you have they just don’t know it yet.” Never give up on people. God won’t so you can’t. Look at whatever the “images of gold” are in your life, stand tall before it, point your finger at it, and say with conviction, “In the name of Jesus Christ, not today!!” Bring someone with you this Sunday.
In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Michael