Weekly Encouragement

Good Thursday Everyone,

Weekly blessings to all.  Oh’ the mixed blessings of a short week. We all love a three-day weekend, but there is still five days’ worth of work waiting for us on Tuesday.  Some quick calendar events at Bethel Baptist for September.  This coming Lord’s Day we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.  This is a blessed time for us at Bethel to celebrate together.  Then, immediately after the worship service we will have a back-to-school bash for the children.  Bring your children, your children’s friends with their parents, and anyone you know who will enjoy a time of fellowship after our service. Also, in September we will begin Children’s Church on the 24th.  Pray about getting involved in Children’s Church either weekly, or in some capacity to assist our leaders with our children.  You will be amazed at the faith of a child.    

At Bethel Baptist we have only started our new sermon series, “The Righteousness of God”.  This will be a series specifically from the Book of Romans.  This is a powerful book, yet Romans must be read slowly and prayerfully.  The Christian must read, study, question, and struggle with Romans.  So much is said to us about our faith.  The Apostle Paul is explaining why God redeemed sinful man the way He did, and Paul proves why God’s way of redemption is the only way to be saved.

So far, we have discussed how Paul specifically addressed Christians of the church in Rome – Then.  The application: Paul is addressing the Christins in every church today.  In Romans Chapter one, Paul provided a clear distinction between the individual Christian and the individual unbeliever.  God has revealed His righteousness to all people through the truth of the Gospel message.  Those who have accepted by faith God’s righteous and truthful message are Christians.  Then Paul explains God has revealed His wrath against the sin of men.  Here is the distinction.  Chrisitan’s believe God’s revealed righteousness.  Unbelievers will “suppress” God’s truth and will continue doing so as evidenced by their life choices.  Man’s suppression of God’s truth brings out God’s wrath.  The result, Paul explains in the rest of Chapter one is, “God gave them up.”

Does this not sound harsh, or even a little disturbing about God?  Well, if we stopped reading Romans after Chapter one, or if nothing else was provided to us hereafter.  We would have a terribly incomplete depiction of God.  God “gave them up” as Paul writes, but God did not give up on them.  There’s a big difference.  God will never give up on anyone.  But neither will God amend nor relax His righteous requirement for salvation.   

What is said next is something only God can explain.  How do we communicate with, live with, or relate to unbelievers?  When we are so far apart on life: How do we break through the unbeliever’s suppression of God’s truth?   After all, this is exactly what Paul did during his years of missionary travels.  Paul connected with unbelievers, and many were saved once God’s righteous was revealed to them.  Paul explains exactly how God did this through his preachings, teachings, and writings.  Paul refused to judge professed unbelievers.  Please catch this, as it is explained so early in Romans.  Paul did not judge professed unbelievers.  Despite how they abused him.  Despite how they blasphemed God.  Despite how the mocked him.  Despite how wrong they lived.  Despite how they worshiped.  And Paul warns us not to judge professed unbelievers. 

The separation between Christians and unbelievers in Romans 1 cannot lead Christians and the Christian church to alienate, condemn, and reject unbelievers.  Paul must get our minds right, before we can make souls right.  The remainder of Romans is about how we can reveal the righteousness of the Gospel to the unbelievers around us.  Isn’t this what happened to you?  You were not born into Christianity.  The Gospel was revealed to you, and you believed.  Paul explains to us how the souls of men and women will be won to Jesus Christ.  We do so by telling unbelievers the truth of the Gospel, and not by telling them how wrong they are.  No body wants to hear this from a fellow man or woman.  The Holy Spirit will do that once they hear the truth of God.

This Sunday morning, we will begin to understand why, “We have what other people want, and why they don’t know it yet!”  Be bold this week.  Invite or better yet offer to bring someone with you this Sunday.  Your role in God’s kingdom is to share your faith.  God’s role is to reveal His righteousness.  This week refuse to suppress the truth of the hope that is in you.  God bless you all and join us this Sunday.

In Christ,

Pastor Michael


Weekly Encouragement


Weekly Encouragement