Be Encouraged

Good Wednesday Everyone,

Weekly blessings to all.  First of all – What a great day we had this past Saturday with our children at Bethel Baptist’s Fall Festival.  Each “trunk” provided great “treats” and it is always exciting to see our church excited, and sugar filled.  Thank you, Tamara and others, for your leadership Saturday.  Saturday was eventful and tonight will be also.  Don’t forget tonight is our Wednesday Night Fellowship.  The menu is Lasagna and garlic bread, and if you are able please bring a dish or dessert to pass.  All is in place for a Wednesday to share a meal and open God’s Word.

We want to announce a motion from our Building and Grounds committee expected after our worship service this Lord’s Day.  We have made progress in a media package to replace our sanctuary flat screen televisions.  This Sunday, be present and tell others to be present as we will hear the motion from our Building and Grounds Committee.   

In the recent weeks, we have had a sermon “sub-series” about God’s power.  The Old Testament life of Elijah is where God’s Word has us within our Romans series.  The most startling observation about the people surrounding Elijah for Christians should not be the displays of God’s power through Elijah. Rather to most startling observation is the parallels of Elijah’s time to our own today.  So many people are dealing with the same issues those did with Elijah.  People were idolatrous, people were faithless, people were fearful, people were materialistic, people were selfish, and people were uncertain.  The remedy to this all this “angst” is God’s power.  We should not be surprised by how powerful God is, but how powerless we are without God.  Every generation has clawed, kicked, and scratched its way to overcome circumstances in their life, when God’s power is what will give them all they need.  God’s power lasts forever, ours last from a moment. 

This past Lord’s Day, our God showed us what we lack the most in this world.  God is withholding it from non-believers because they are fighting against Him, and God is providing it in abundance to those who will “repent and believe” in Him.  This is the blessing and power of God’s PEACE.  Christians, and only Christians are at peace with God.  There is no way to experience God’s peace while you are actively fighting against Him, His Word, and His Church.

This coming Lord’s Day, we will look more at the fact Elijah considers himself alone in his ministry.  Elijah has the power of Almighty God to be sure, but the world is against him.  Imagine this reality for Elijah.  It’s hard and it’s lonely.  But, if you are a Christian, you are not alone and you never will be.  God’s Word promises us,


“It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed.”  (Deuteronomy 31:8)


But the emotions of “feeling” alone are real.  As your pastor I must ask: When these feelings surface in your spirit – Where are you?  How are you spending your time?  Who are you around the most?  Are these places with God in prayer, deep in God’s Word, and with God’s people who love Him and who love you?  If you are not, you can “feel” God’s peace slipping away while the world instills doubts and fear into your spirit.  This is exactly what happened to Elijah.  Elijah was not all powerful, God was.  God is!!  Elijah was not all faithful, God was.  God is!! 


This Sunday, the Lord will show us exactly what happened to Elijah, and it can happen to us.  But God is stronger than our fear, and better yet He is a good, good, Father.  God will protect us.  God will keep us.  And because we are at peace with God as His children, He will teach us how to overcome the world.            

Today, people are experiencing so much difficulty, rage, stress, and uncertainty.  These and so many more are all symptoms of living without peace.  What people want the most in this life is peace with God, “They just don’t know it yet!”  Peace with God is not only possible it is permanent.  We have the answer and the path to God’s peace.  This week as it closes and we near the Lord’s Day – Look for opportunities to invite someone you know to Bethel Baptist.  And be bold enough to pray God sends you someone to encourage.  God peace is not only available it is waiting to be freely given to all who believe.  

In Christ,

Pastor Michael


Be Encouraged


Weekly Encouragement