Weekly Encouragement
Good Wednesday Everyone,
Weekly blessings to all. Spring is upon us in Alabama. The weather gets warmer and the days longer as Summer approaches. As you all know Bethel Baptist has several children in Springtime sports. If your schedules permits, support our children in their baseball and softball games. Heidi and I will be attending as we are available. This evening, we will have our regularly scheduled Wednesday Night Fellowship. Join us if you can. We are directly in the middle of the video discipleship series “Experiencing God.” The series is continuous, but you will be blessed when you hear any of the evenings.
We shared a wonderful Easter Sunday. God provided a wonderful congregation with guests from far away who were home visiting family. There were also those who came to celebrate Easter. If there was someone who you have not seen in a while, reach out to them and invite them back. Bethel Baptist is always open, and we always welcome all into the Lord’s house.
This Sunday, Heidi and I will be away for our worship time. We have the opportunity to visit our daughter and son-in-law in Atlanta. And there happen to be two grandchildren who will also be in Atlanta with their parents. We will visit with them too. We will have a blessed time but will miss you all. Pray for us as we travel and return home on the first of the week.
Bethel Baptist: God has placed you directly at the intersection of my calling and my career. I am so blessed to serve as your paster and never want to miss a Sunday together. This will be a time of preparation and reflection for us as we are away. Upon our return, the Calico representatives have asked for me to provide the worship service on Sunday morning April 14th. We will have an abbreviated schedule at Bethel Baptist as we have done for the past few years. Due to the activities and services at Calico on April 14th, we will not meet for Sunday School and will meet early for worship service at 10:00AM. Make plans to attend Calico’s early morning service, and if possible, the 10:00AM service in our sanctuary. I’m sure we will see each other at Calico.
Back to the coming Lord’s Day. This Sunday, Pastor John Fleming will bring us God’s Word. Pastor John and I met for lunch recently and I told him of God’s blessings we have shared at Bethel Baptist. Pastor John advised me he has been with us in the past. In our absence, please come and support Pastor John and provide him a warm welcome. I know you will.
I will miss being in our pulpit as God who has something to say to us from this place in His house. Come and hear God’s voice from His servant and His Word. Bring someone with you. Everyone needs a church home and a church family, “They just don’t know it yet.” Be part of God’s wonderful working miracle in someone’s life. Your obedience will be the start of a changed life.
In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Michael